
Top 3 Ways to Improve your Website Performance

Hello visitors, after our last topic “Page Speed Optimization Important For Website” you must be a lot excited to know what’s next in the row? Have patience, and read on this full article to find out  the hacks to Improve Your Website Performance. 

We know that web page load speed is really very essential, as we have seen in our previous post. A second’s delay in page load time can reduce page views by 11%, decrease customer satisfaction by 16%, lose conversions by 7% which in turn largely affects your business. On the contrary, a few extra seconds on the page can actually have a huge impact on your ability to engage visitors and make huge profits in the bigger picture. Thus, having a fast website is essential,  not just for ranking well with Google, but also for keeping your bottom-line profits high.

 But the important question is HOW? You know that achieving high speed for digital marketing is a major factor but How will you do it for your site? Lemme tell you how. Read the following points to know how you can Improve Your Website Performance.

How to Boost up your Website Speed and Improve Website Performance

There are several factors which influence how long each page on the site takes to load, so there are several different ways you can take to increase the website speed and improve user experience

1. Minimizing the HTTP Requests

Well I’ll go a little technical here. Actually what happens is that when we search for something on the web a request for that data and/or information is sent to the server which is handled by an internet protocol known as HTTP. Now, this HTTP request is made for the various elements that appear on the webpage, thus the more on-page components there are, the longer it takes for the page to load, or in technical terms it takes more time to complete your http request by the browser. 

 In fact, as per research Yahoo found out that, 80% of a Web page’s load time is spent downloading these different parts of the page, such as — the graphics, links, multimedia items, stylesheets, scripts etc. now, if we go to minimize our requests,The first thing we got to do is to find out how many the site currently makes, so as to use it as a benchmark.

 If you use Google Chrome you can easily do the minimization. For that you need to use the browser’s Developer Tools. It helps you to see how many HTTP requests your site makes and also regulate or minimise it.

2. Minifying and Combining files

Well now i guess you have got an idea how to check on how many requests your site makes,  you can easily get started with reducing that number. To do so, the best place to get started is with the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files of your webpage. Although they might sound very basic but these are the fundamentals and are extremely important files, because they determine the appearance of your site. Every time a user visits your site, these fundamental files also add to the number of requests to your site. But the good news is that you can reduce this number by “minifying” or combining these files as it reduces file size and also  the total number of files. 

 If you are designing a website using any templated website builder then often this might be quite easy for you to do so but they might leave behind messy code that can slow your site considerably. In such a scenario, minifying or combining becomes crucial. But what actually is this minifying? Must be wondering. So minifying a file basically includes removing the unnecessary formatting, whitespace, and code. To reduce the file size, you can eliminate extra spaces, line breaks, and indentation. 

Combining files is simply merging the several files together, as such you can combine the multiple CSS and JavaScript files into one. This will eventually reduce a lot of file size and thus result in fewer requests and faster loads. 

3. Using Asynchronous method to Load for CSS and JavaScript files

Once you’ve minified and combined some of your files, you can also optimize the way that they load on your pages. Scripts like CSS and JavaScript can be loaded in two different ways: Synchronously or Asynchronously.

Synchronous scripts loading means they load one at a time, i.e the order it appears on the page.Whereas, Asynchronous scripts loading means some of the files will load simultaneously, i.e. all at once. Now it’s important to note that asynchronous file loading can speed up your webpages. This is because when a browser loads a page, it reads from top to bottom, so if there is only one combined file instead of two or three then it clearly increases a lot of speed. 

Loading your webpage faster than other sites can sound challenging, but will have a significantly positive impact on your overall website performance, in the long run. 

You’ll come across a lot of other sites giving you tips on how to Improve Your Website Performance but often they tend to be lengthy or time consuming, so I tried to cover the most important ones in a simple way, although there are several others too.  

In a quick shot recap, I’ll suggest you to spend some time and look through your website’s speed test results. Find out the issues which have the highest impact on the webpage load time. Try focusing on those high-impact factors and in turn taking the necessary steps to get them amended. From there, you can work your way out through the tips I listed above. Hope you were able to grasp what I wrote and imply the same for your websites. In case you were not able to figure out what it was all about you may access a developer to help you out. 

It’s always important to keep in mind the small steps toward reducing load time as even a little setting can change the whole scenario and make a major difference. Furthermore, when you consider the impact that even one second can have on the conversions and deals, you’ll realize the impact of minimizing the requests or asynchronous loading in the effect of increasing the website load speed. 

Kristina Barooah

I am Kristina Barooah, currently a Computer Science Engineering(CSE) student of Lovely Professional University. I an experienced technical content creator. I write on the trending technologies and their appropriate usage including AWS services, several programming languages like Python, R, JavaScript, and their appropriate usage. Also, operations on network security and operating systems. I have recently worked with RackUp, an international digital marketing company as a Technical writer intern also I have written several tech blogs on AWS services on Medium for the Students wing of Amazon Web Services. In addition to this, I have worked with numerous Student organizations of some reputed companies including Google and Amazon Web Services. I have also, been awarded twice for my excellence in English proficiency. As a Computer Science Engineering student, I am keenly interested in BigData, Machine Learning (ML), Cloud Building, Artificial Intelligence(AI) to name a few. You can check my profile on linked, the URL is linked below.

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